Below are the official artwork for the 10 original aliens in the Ben 10 reboot, with their Cartoonnetwork alien bios beneath them.
Four Arms |
He's super strong, totally fire and laser proof and can jump really high! Four Arms can create shockwaves by clapping all four hands together and uses his powerful punches to solve any problem!
Cannonbolt | |
The big guy! This awesome alien is resistant to acid and lava! He can even deflect lasers with his plating to protect himself. Cannobolt rolls up into a huge motorized wheel to knock down his enemies at high speeds!
Diamondhead | |
Diamondhead can transform his body into diamond weapons such as blades and bludgeons. He can also fire lethal crystal shards from his hands and resist attacks with his sturdy crystal chest. Guess diamonds really are the hardest substance in the universe!
Grey Matter |
Small in stature, huge in intellect: this slimy alien is stronger than he looks! Grey Matter has sharp teeth to attack his enemies and takes advantage of his compact size to fit just about anywhere, proving that sometimes brains really do beat brawn!
Heatblast |
The master of all things scorchio! Heatblast can generate intense heat and fire and uses flaming punches to defeat his enemies. Heatblast's favorite attack is using balls of fire from his hands to set his enemies ablaze!
Overflow |
This aquatic alien can breathe underwater, shoot high-powered aqua blasts and boasts heavy armor to defeat his enemies! Overflow can propel himself high into and even transform his water jets into blades to cut his enemies down to size.
Stinkfly |
Pee-yew! This flying insect is the smelliest alien of all! Stinkfly is quick and agile, but don't be fooled, he's not just speedy! He has a sharp stinger on his tail and can shoot streams of goo fluid that choke and blind his enemy, gross and deadly.
Editor's note: This bio is incorrect, as Stinkfly in the reboot does not even have a tail.
Upgrade | |
This futuristic alien uses nanotechnology to enhance devices he comes in contact with, but that's not the only trick up his sleeve: Upgrade can also morph into a liquid state to get himself out of any sticky situation.
Wildvine |
This weird and wonderful alien can transform into plant matter to camouflage himself. He also produces powerful vines from his long limbs to use as transportation or as weapons! Nothing can stop this mighty vine!
XLR8 |
The fastest alien of them all! XLR8 can react at superhuman speeds to think of a million combinations in seconds to deactivate devices; he can also run on water and reach speeds of 500 MPH! No enemy can get away from XLR8!
Zombozo |
Real name: Herbert J. Zomboni
Profession: Criminal mastermind
His scary clown appearance is exactly how he sees himself. Zombozo employs a vast array of circus tricks and tactics to aid his criminal schemes.
Hex |
Hex is a master of magic. He is a highly ambitious sorcerer eternally on the hunt for magical artifacts to aid his evil pursuits. He's got a bit of a temper and the perfect lack of a sense of humor to compliment it terribly.
What do you think of the reboot art style? Do you like the designs? Let us know in the comments below.
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