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Ben 10 vs. Goku from Dragon Ball |
And I’m here to lay down some facts about Ben Tennyson, the Omnitrix, and his aliens. Speaking as a Ben 10 fan.
Firstly, It depends on which version of Ben we’re talking about here. There has been four iterations of Ben within the same continuity, each having their own transformation device.
Ben Tennyson from the Original Series (Ben 10)
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Ben Tennyson in Ben 10 |
Current Goku can easily defeat most of Ben’s roster due to his superior speed, ability to fly, long range and pure strength.
Some aliens that may be tricky for Goku would be XLR8, who has shown to run so fast that it seems like time has stopped, Ghostfreak, who could possess people and turn intangible.
Diamondhead, who is made out of very durable crystal and can shoot, shape his hands into weapons, use as transportation similar to Marvel’s Iceman, hold and reflect energy, create giant mountains of crystal that can encase people, and can even make multiple giant diamond shards float around using telekinesis, as well as making them EXPLODE! His body was only shown to break with extremely sharp high-tech weapons or high frequency sounds.
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Diamondhead Creating a Giant Crystal Arm |
Heatblast, who is able to generate and manipulate fire. From fire balls to fire tornadoes.
Upchuck, who can eat any inorganic matter as well as energy blasts and fire it back as explosive energy.
Upgrade, a humanoid-like techno alien who can turn into a liquid like, flexible shape and can fuse and upgrade technology into advance weapons.
But Goku will have no problems with aliens such as Grey Matter or Ditto (who is able to duplicate into many different clones, though it takes some time and each clone only has the physical feet of a 10 year old kid, as well as a habit of arguing with each, AND, if one gets hurt or killed, ALL of them do).
It should be noted that the Omnitrix has shown to instantly recharge if Ben's life is in danger, as shown in Grudge Match.
Moving on from the original series we have the 15 year old Ben Tennyson from Alien Force, who has a new set of aliens.
Ben Tennyson from Alien Force
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Ben Tennyson in Ben 10: Alien Force |
And did I mention that each clone can turn into another alien, or even Ben himself? The downside is that Ben’s personality will be split between each Echo Echo that transforms into something else, like one will be very compassionate while another would be a huge jerk, as shown in the Ultimate Alien episode Dupe.
Chromastone is a crystal alien that is able to absorb and redirect a large variety of energy as ultraviolet rays. However too much energy will disintegrate him.
Lodestar is able to attract and repel metal, fly and create force-fields.
Rath is Ben's most aggressive alien who has sharp claws, fast reflexes and enhanced strength.
Goop is able to shoot acid, trap opponents in his body, slip into tight spaces, fly and take attacks such as bullets or punches due to his body type.
Nanomech is Ben's smallest alien who can shrink even smaller than that as well as shoot green energy.
This Ben learned how to quick change between aliens, so no more waiting to time out and then waiting for it to recharge before choosing a new guy. Using this he once made a combo attack of constantly switching between his aliens to beat a guy up, the downside is that Ben will time out a lot faster.
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Echo Echo Clones Screaming |
If not, he just stands there doing nothing (though he is invincible so even the destruction of the universe won’t harm him). Ben can’t even switch to a different form unless they allow him to. This is why Alien X was only used once in the Alien Force episode X = Ben + 2, and only once in Ultimate Alien during The Forge of Creation.
Speaking of which, let’s talk about 16 year old Ben from Ultimate Alien.
Ben Tennyson in Ultimate Alien
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Ben Tennyson in Ultiamte Alien |
Ultimate aliens are more powerful, combat-oriented forms that changes the aliens appearance and power set. Ultimate Humungousaur is able to fire bone missiles that can home on targets, as well as rapid fire and has a mace tail, incredible strength, extreme durability and a hard shell.
Ultimate Swampfire is able to shoot extremely hot blue fire from his palms, as well as throw sticky blue napalm bombs and create/control plant life.
Ultimate Echo Echo is able to fly at high speeds and has sonic disks on his body that can duplicate. He can detach and throw to enemies that can shoot out sonic waves. These sonic disks are able to fly by themselves and fly around the enemy, and will remain even if Ben is in a different form.
Ultimate Cannonbolt gets durable armor as well as spikes in his ball form for more destruction when he rolls.
There’s even an Ultimate form for Way Big, who was Ben’s largest and physically strong alien that can shoot deadly lasers! Ultimate Way Big is four times bigger than Way Big and can run at high speeds to create tornadoes, throw laser disks from his hands and even FLY. His strength is increased by a ton as he was able to throw the humongous Dagon (who makes Ultimate Way Big look like a mouse) onto the ground.
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Ben with some of his Ultimate Aliens |
The downside to some of the Ultimate aliens is the loss of certain powers. For instance, Ultimate Humungousaur is no longer able to increase his size, Ultimate Swampfire can’t regenerate his limbs and Ultimate Echo Echo can’t duplicate.
Ben also has new aliens such as Fasttrack, who is able to run as fast as a missile, AmpFibian, who is able to travel through electrical wires, absorb and shoot electricity, fly, swim and read minds (though Ben hasn’t master that ability yet) and Clockwork, who is able to shoot time beams that can send people back in time or to a different timeline, slow down time to a point that it makes him look like he runs at high speeds, time travel and make a projection of the past, but he has low stamina and not very durable.
He also has NRG, who is able to shoot radioactive lasers from his body. He wears a very durable containment suit to lower the radiation but he is able to get out of it to release his full power set such as flight, energy absortion and shooting from his mouth and hands. While in his containment suit, he is able to heat up his suit to the point of melting opponents and the ground.
With all those reasons above, this is probably the strongest Ben yet.
Now onto the 16 year old Omniverse Ben.
Ben Tennyson in Omniverse
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Ben Tennyson in Omniverse |
During the course of the series Ben has shown turning into 70+ aliens from the past three series, along with new ones and some unseen ones. Some of them include:
-Bloxx. An alien gorilla that is able to build his body into different structures such as a catapult, a dome, a block gun and a wall. His body is easily breaked apart like lego and he’s weak to acid.
-Crashhopper. A grasshopper-like alien that can jump at high distances and has an extremely thick skull. Has an annoying voice.
-Feedback. A lean alien that has wire-like antenna/tail and plug-like fingers. Is able to absorb and redirect energy (including the BIG BANG)
-Whampire. An vampire-like alien that can fly, hypnotize and shoot out a parasite that can control a person’s body to make them do things against their will. He also has enhanced strength and sharp teeth. Will die in sunlight.
-Gravattack. An alien that can control gravity. He can make things float and become heavy. He has his own orbit that allows him to redirect missiles. He can turn into a planet-like form that improves his orbit and he can float.
-Gutrot. An alien laboratory. Has enhanced knowledge of chemistry, which is Ben’s worst subject. He can mix gasses in his stomach and expel them from the knobs on his body. He is able to create any type of gas, from laughing gas to acidic ones.
-Atomix. Ben’s second most powerful alien. Atomix was alluded to in the original series as being a cool and powerful alien, and lives up to that. He is able to create nuclear energy using his hands, which can do a massive amount of damage to its surroundings. He is able to melt nearby objects just by activating the energy in his body. He can fly at high speeds, has enhanced strength to hit things into orbit, create nuclear explosions, shoot an atomic blast, and create a very bright fusion ball that remains even if Ben turns back to human. He’s like the Ben 10 version of Goku, he even chants HAA-MEE-NA HAA-MEE-NA HAA-MEE-NA-HA!" to charge his attacks!
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Atomix in For A Few Brains More |
This Omnitrix is some new functions, which includes:
-Randomizer mode: Ben turns into a random alien every couple of seconds.
-Life-form lock mode: Ben is able to stay as an alien form for extended periods of time. According to Derick, every alien has its own code, which is why Ben only did it for Bullfrag and not Gravattack in Food Around the Corner (I can't find the statement as of now, but I do recall seeing it). It’s also apparently dangerous to use too often.
-Scan mode: Like the previous models, it can scan unfamiliar DNA to unlock its form in the playlist. It is upgraded so it doesn’t need a laser scan of the alien’s body, Ben just needs to be close by the alien. But if he’s too far away the Omnitrix will lock out Ben from using it until the DNA is scanned.
With its large roster of powerful and weak aliens but random time outs and mistransformations due to Ben’s incompetence, battles can seem luck driven at times.
This Ben also has an ace up his sleeve.
Alien X.
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Alien X in Universe vs. Tennyson |
When Ben turned into Alien X again in Weapon XI: Part 1, it seems like he still has full control, with Rook even telling Argit that. However art director Derrick J. Wyatt confirmed that Ben still needs to get permission to use Alien X, he is just better at convincing Serena and Bellicus now, and that the Omniverse crew doesn’t have to show it every time.
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Derrick J. Wyatt's Statement on Ask.fm |
With the keys to Alien X, Ben can no doubt beat Goku. Goku is a very powerful individual, but Alien X can literally do anything. He is invincible and once create a almost perfect replica of the universe!
Let’s elaborate on the mode that every version of the Omnitrix has: the ability to scan sentient alien DNA.
And whenever a new DNA sample is added, Ben always gets the most top notch, warrior-like version of that species. Which is why Ben’s Incursean form, a species that is mostly shown to have skinny, weak frog-like aliens who rely on blasters, is muscular and healthy compared to the rest.
Ben could scan Goku, get the top notch version of his species, and transform into it to be on par with him. If it was Ultimate Alien Ben who had the Ultimatrix, he could become an Ultimate Saiyan who’s even more powerful. Ben probably can’t achieve high level forms that requires training though.
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Scanning an Alien with the Ultimatrix |
- The Omnitrices can’t be removed by brute force, you need a code, a specialized tool or have Ben do it willingly. If someone were to try to force it off, it can fire a energy blast.
- The Omnitrix and Ultimatrix has a self destruct mode that is voice activated by the user. if charged for a few days, it can cause an energy ripple that can destroy the whole universe.
- Every Omnitrix has a master control, that allows Ben to switch into different alien forms using his thoughts (or voice command in Alien Force). Most of the time it this function stays locked.
- The Omnitrix/Ultimatrix works even in different universe/timelines.
- The Omnitrices protects Ben from possession and mutation.
- The original series Omnitrix heals the user after they change back to normal. The Alien Force Omnitrix and Ultimatrix lacks this feature.
- The Omnitrix is waterproof.
Thanks for reading.
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