
Wednesday 27 November 2013

Ultimate Gravattack

Hey guys! The day is just good enough to make me float he is Ultimate Gravattack! Ultimate Gravattack is an evolved Gallien from the planet Keplorr. He was first used by Albedo in A Few Brains More to fight Ben after he used Armodrillo to take down Ben's version of Gravattack. He is the third Ultimate to make its debut in Omniverse and not Ultimate Alien. The first is Ultimate Albedo and the second is Ultimate Articguana. His voice sounds like Gravattack only deeper. His moons seems to resemble Koffing from Pokemon.

Appearance (Albedo)

Ultimate Gravattack is now reddish in color and his skin is more jagged with more bumps. He now grow much larger and has spikes coming out from his body. Ultimate Gravattack also loses his legs but keeps his arms which are bigger and spikier. His core has moved into his mouth. There are three moons that are caught in his gravity field orbiting him, it has faces similar to Gravattack's orb form and they seem alive. Ultimate Gravattack wears the Ultimatrix (which has more spikes and shorter) on his chin/chest. He has a red gravity field instead of green.

Powers And Abilities

Ultimate Gravattack can still manipulate gravity to lift things or make them heavier but is much stronger than his devolved form. He can also make things orbit around him much faster without going into orbit form (I am not even sure if he has an orbit form) Ultimate Gravattack also possesses hard skin which makes him quite durable and is stronger than his devolved form. Since Ultimate Gravattack has no feet he has to use his gravity powers to float. He can even fly using them.


Just like Gravattack, he cannot fit into small spaces but this time has more chances to get stuck due to his much bigger size. 

That is it! Hope you enjoyed this post, if you did, comment! Do not forget to share, till the next post, stay awesome Ben 10 fans!

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