
Wednesday 27 November 2013

Ultimate Articguana

Hello guys! Today we are reviewing a new Ultimate which appeared in the new Omniverse episode For Few Brains More who is Ultimate Articguana. Ultimate Articguana is the evolved form of Articguana and he looks like a Pokemon mixed with Ultimate Swampfire and Waterhazard.


Ultimate Articguana is bigger than its devolved version and is taller than Khyber. He is covered by a dark red shell similar to Water Hazard's shell  with black stipees. He has blue ice like blobs on his body and his skin is darker. His teeth is sticking out from his mouth, his black pattern near his eyes are different, his  eyes and Ultimatrix symbol (which looks like Ultimate Humungosaur's) is on top of his head. He also has two large cannons on his back.

Powers And Abilities

Ultimate Articguana's abilities are almost the same as his devolved form. He still can run quite fast, has enhanced strength and survive in cold weather. But his brand new ability is that he can shoot ice rays from his two cannons on his back which can freeze things extremely fast in less than five seconds on contact. He can also shoot hard ice on top of it too. Due to Ultimate Articguan does not need to breathe ice from his mouth anymore, it eliminate the weakness of him catching his breathe after using his ice powers. Ultimate Articguana can still ride on his ice like is original form.


Due to his bigger size, he can't run as fast as Articguana or fit into small spaces that Articguana can fit through. Also, some enemies can outrun his ice ray when it is trying to freeze the specific target. This is first revealed in For A Few Brains More.

That is it! Hope you enjoyed this post, if you did, comment! Do not forget to share! Till the next post, stay awesome Ben 10 fans!

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