
Sunday 17 November 2013

A Fistful Of Brains Pics And News

Good morning everybody, today we have some cool images of A Fistful Of Brains which mostly has Albedo pics and Ben. This episode is about Khyber trapping Ben in a planet with a predator while Max and Rook are trying to find Ben. This episode is the second part of Duel Of The Duplicates and one of the most exiting episodes in the Ben 10 franchise. So here is a brief spoiler of some major events in A Fistful Of Brains, the predators are back, Brainstorm makes his reappearance after Malefactor which he will be used by Albedo, Ultimate Albedo's powers are introduce too. So here is the first image which is one of my favourite aliens, Brainstorm.

Albedo As Brainstorm
As you can see from the beautiful image above, Brainstorm is returning to be used by Albedo ever since Albedo used him in The Night Of The Living Nightmare, his orange parts are now pinkish, his belt and green parts are light red and his eyes are red. I hope he talks in this episode and show his abilities ever since Ultimate Alien. This scene shows like Braistorm has entered a secret room and is talking to someone, maybe Ben or Khyber? I just know that Brainstorm has a bigger role in this episode then Malefactor. Now for the next image.

Rook Holding What It Seems To Be Albedo's Hair
The image above shows Max Tennyson (Ben's Grandpa) and Rook Blonko on Khoros investigating a crime or searching for Ben. Rook seems to be holding a piece of Albedo's hair which hints that Albedo has committed a crime on Khoros. Max seems to be angry like he does not like Albedo kidnapping Ben. Not much to say about this pic until we have seen the episode. Here is the last image.

Ultimate Albedo Shooting Laser Beams
For those of you who did not know, this is Ultimate Albedo. He first appeared in the very end of The Ultimate Heist but did not any of his powers. Now in this episode we finally get to see him using it. This picture shows that Ultimate Albedo is shooting laser beams at someone like Azmuth or maybe even Ben. It is shown that he can shoot beams from his third eye and rumor says that he can absorb intelligence. So what do you think? It is time for you to answer these questions and what you think is gonna happen.

That is it! Hope you enjoyed this post, if you did, comment! Do not forget to share! Till the next post, stay awesome!

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