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Yetta |
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Hello guys! Today Derrick released an image of a female version of Shocksquatch's species who also Yetta on his Formspring. She looks like a mix of Shocksquatch and Sari from Transformers Animated. She also wears a belt and she is yellow, orange and white in color. She is suppose to appear in No Honor Among Bros but got rescheduled to episode 76. We have no info what is episode 76 name yet. So here is the image.
That is it! Hope you enjoyed this post, if you did, comment! Do not forget to share! Till the next post, stay awesome!
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
New Episode News
Hello peeps! We have some big news about upcoming episodes today. First off, Derrick posted on his a strange image of Albedo OV. He wears the same clothes as Ben only his green parts are red, his Omnitrix looks like an altered version of Ben's Omnitrix being white and red on his left arm and his numbers are reversed. It does not look like anything Derrick posted a few months ago. My theory is that Albedo is trying to be Ben while Ben is in prison. Or maybe he made Ben look like Albedo himself like the image below to get him into the prison. Anyways, just enjoy the image.
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Albedo As Ben Or Ben As Albedo Or Albedo OV? |
Monday, 28 October 2013
Ultimate Swampfire

Hello guys! How is things? Good? Well today I am gonna do another Ultimate which is Ultimate Swampfire! Ultimate Swampfire is the evolved form of Swampfire just in case you did not know. Ultimate Swampfire first apppeared in Alien Force in The Final Battle Part 2 to battle Vilgax, but water starts filling into the ship which makes Vilgax changed into his true form trying to eat Ben but he changed into Jetray and escaped. Ultimate Swampfire reappears in Ultimate Alien in Ultimate Aggreggor with his team where they easily defeated Aggreggor's Minions. He is the first Ultimate to be used by Ben; which makes the pattern of Ben transforming into fire based aliens first like Heatblast, Swampfire and now Ultimate Swampfire. Ultimate Swampfire is now more tree-like. His voice is the same as Swampfire's only deeper. He is going to return in Omniverse by Albedo. Time to review!
Swampfire now is more like a humanoid tree. He has brown wooden skin, his legs and hands seems to be bigger, his head now has blue things on them and his face is now blue. His eyes have no more pupils. He has blue gel-like orbs on his hands, three on each one. He wears the evolved Ultimatrix on his chest.Sunday, 27 October 2013
HEY GUYS! Today we are going to review a cool alien who is Lodestar! Lodestar is a Biasoravortion from an unknown planet. Lodestar first unlocked on screen in Alien Force in War If Worlds Part 1 but Ben transformed into Lodestar of screen. He made his first on-screen debut in Simple where he defeats some battlers and reverts. He reappear in Ultimate Alien in Duped to battle Urian. He returned in Omniverse in The More Things Changed Part 1 to stop Zombozo from stealing a brain from a brain bank. Lodestar also appeared in Return to Forever to battle some Forever Knights and save Jimmy. The reason why I told you that cause that was the latest episode. Lodestar is Ben's second magnetic alien the first is Frankenstrike (at least Frankenstrike's feet is). In Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United crossover, Lodestar battled Rex Salsar.
Lodestar is about Ben's height. He has a yellow and black color scheme. He has crab like claws and two arches on his shoulders. He has a metal head with green eyes, bolts and a mouth which do not move. His head floats between his arches but follows wherever it goes because of a magnetic field. He wears the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix on his chest. In Omniverse, Lodestar's head now has a different shape which makes it looks more like a skeleton head. His mouth now moves when he talks and has a yellow eyebrow like crest on his head. There are now lines under his mouth, the white glow around his head is now green and the yellow parts on his legs are now up to his thighs. His shoulders are also bigger. Lodestar wears the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.Saturday, 26 October 2013
Jimmy Jones
Hey guys and girls! We are back with yet again another character which is Jimmy Jones. Jimmy Jones (full name James "Jimmy" Jones) first appeared in Ultimate Alien in Fame where he reveals Ben's secret identify. Jimmy then reappears in Omniverse in Return To Forever to solve the mystery of the Forever Knights. He was one of the main characters in that episode. Jimmy has a blog where he posts all of Ben's alien pics and alien news (kinda like me) even some photos since Ben was 10! Jimmy claims that he is Ben Tennyson's biggest fan. Jimmy likes many things that Ben likes for example Sumo Slammers, Shag Carpeting and video games. Jimmy is 10 years old. He is a Human from the planet Earth. Now to the review.
Jimmy is the size of a 10 year old since he is one. He has fair pinkish skin and brownish orange hair. He wears a white shirt and a hoodie which is modeled to look like Ben's Jacket. He wears greyish brown pants and shoes similar to 10 year old Ben. In Omniverse, Jimmy looks almost the same only he wears a black shirt, his hoodie is now a smaller version of Ben's jacket, his pants is a bit more grey and his hair is a different color.Brainstorm
Hey guys! How is your day? Well today we have Echo Echo's master, BRAINSTORM! So now read and learn. Brainstorm first appeared in Pier Pressure by accident to fight Ship as a carnival ride. He reappeared in Ultimate Alien in Escape From Aggregor to fight Dr. Animo's Yeti. He then reappeared in Omnivere in Malefactor to where a kid attempts to dunk him. Brainstorm had a British accent in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien but has a German accent in Omniverse. Brainstorm is Ben's second most smartest alien. The first is Grey Matter. Brainstrorm is a Cerebrocrustacean from the Encephalonus system.
Brainstorm resembles a big reddish brown crab with a big head. He has crab-like claws and six legs. He has spikes on his face and elbows. Brainstorm has a grey and black neck brace to keep his head up. His two shells on his head can open to reveal a big, pink brain. Brainstorms mouth rarely opens. But when it does it shows his tongue is a flat looking brain. Brainstorm wears the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix symbol on his neck brace in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien. In Omniverse, Brainstorm's head is more squarish, his eyes are now connected near his shell, he only has four legs instead of five and wears a belt wear the Neck Brace was. His spikes a longer, he now has long "whiskers" on his face. He has green and black cloth stripes on his shell and near his Neck Brace. He wears the Omnitrix symbol on his Neck Brace. He speaks with a deep German accent in Omniverse kinda like Clockwork.Thursday, 24 October 2013
Hello people today we have an Alien Force alien which is Swampfire. Swampfire first appeared in the first Alien Force episode, Ben 10 Returns Part 1. He was the first alien used in Alien Force. He a Methansapien from the planet Methanos. He reappeared in Ultimate Alien in Fame on TV. He appeared in Hit 'Em Where They Live to battle Charmcaster, Vulcanas and Zombozo before going Ultimate. He reappeared in Omniverse in Have I Got A Deal For You to battle the Skreegit but failed. He did not talk in that episode. He is one of the most used aliens in AF and UA. His Dimension 23 version is called Mr. Mucky. So now lets review him.
Swampfire is a humanoid swampy green plant with four fingered hands and feet with no toes. There are black stones in his feet which makes it looks like a tree stump. He has spikes on his body and black patches on his waist, stomach and neck. His face is black with no nose with red peddles around it. He has red peddles on his shoulders and yellow peddle in the middle on his head. He has green eyes with black pupils and wears the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix on his chest. In Omniverse, he looks the same only his legs are bigger, his hands are longer and his head is more rounded. He wears the Omnitrix symbol on his stomach.Tuesday, 22 October 2013
100th Post News
Hello people! Today we bring you our 100th post! That is right, after all the sweat, tears, pain and blood, we did it! Today is 10.23.2013 and that means Ben 23 news! As you guys may know that we made Ben 23 before, well prepare to see new photos and stuff! We have about 4 photos to show you so enjoy. By the way, this Sunday is going to air The Return To Forever. Jimmy Jones's and the Forever Knight's reappearance! Now please enjoy the photos.
The first image we are going to show is a Ben 23 build board that Derrick J. Whatt posted on his formspring. He seems to be a bit taller since we last see him. He also wears a jacket and a blue cap that he is wearing backwards. The build board has a slogan which is "Bullies Beware, Ben 23 Is Everywhere!" awesome slogan for it though. I think this is gong to appear in And Then There Were Ben or And Then There Were None. We will have to find out in the future. Now for the next photo.
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Ben 23 Build Board With Different Clothes |

coming. I am gonna do Snare-Oh (formally known as Benmummy) so enjoy. Snare-Oh is a Thep Khufan from the planet Anur Khufos. Snare-Oh was first scanned in a Ben 10 Original series episode
In the original series, Snare-Oh has green glowing eyes and gaps are also glowing. He has some Mummy dressings which are gold and black. He wore the Prototype Omnitrix on his left shoulder. In Ultimate Alien, he looks the same only he is taller, a different green and wears the Ultimatrix on his chest. His green gaps are now gold. In Omniverse, Snare-Oh's body shape changed and now have a green and white belt where the Omnitrix symbol is located. He has shoulder pads with eye ball looking things on them. His eyes are now surrounded by a crown like thing on his black and green head dress. The tied up golden ropes on his "skirt" is now replaced with a bandage and has bigger gaps. He has bandages coming out from his back. He has a chest covering which is black and green in color.Monday, 21 October 2013
Food Around The Corner
Hello guys today I think I am gonna make some more episode reviews. Since you guys like my The More Things Changed Part 1 review, I am gonna do another one which is Food Around The Corner. So, enjoy.
Ben as Gravattack has to handle a peace conversation between the Appoplexians and the Lewodans but must endure the pain of Tiny Alien Fleas (Hulex) that is mining his body!Plot
The episode starts with a small alien ship landing on Gravattack. The Hulex came out of the ship and their leader, Hulex Colenel, flagged Gravattack as their own planet which hurt Gravattack. Blukic and Driba are adding a micro chip which will make Ben unable to transform into any other alien during the peace treaty. Later Gravattack is sitting down with Vexx, Malice, Catiff and Paltroon. Not long later, Malice starts a fight with Catiff till Gravattack pulls them back to their seats using his gravity powers. Gravattack then started to act crazy Max Tennyson,Friday, 18 October 2013
Oh Mother Where Art Thou Pics
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Teen Ditto Chain |
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Jimmy Jones's Room
Hello people! Derrick released an image of Jimmy's room in Omniverse a few hours ago. It has a totally different appearance now. Check it out!
Here are some things that are in Jimmy Jones's room, most of his Ben 10
images are removed but there is a picture of OV Ben, Gwen and Kevin
together. There is also Ben's UAF Jacket hanging next to his messy bed.
According to Derrick J. Whatt, Jimmy claims that it is Ben's original
jacket but actually Ben's real jacket is still inside his room. There is
also a poster of Shag Carpeting near his bed. That makes Shag Carpeting
first reappearance since the original series in Monster Wheather. There
is also a shelf with Transformers action figures and Sumo Slammer
figures that looks like Ben's aliens only recolored. If you look closely
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Jimmy's Room OV Can You Spot Some Things? |
Hello people we are back with our first Equipment showcase which is known as, The Nemetrix. The Nemetrix (concept name Predatrix) is a knock off version of the original Omnitrix. It was invented by a Dr. Psychobos. This knock off version off the Omnitrix holds the predators of Ben Tennyson's Omnitrix aliens. It was first tested on Phil but failed since it can't be used on Sapient Species. It was later used by Zed, Khybers Dog, who was the main user for the Nemetrix in Ben 10: Omniverse. But in Showdown Part 1, it was removed by Khyber, due to him thinking that he does not need Zed anymore. Khyber is the current owner of the Nemetrix.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Selamat Hari Raya Haji
Hello people, I just wanna say, Selamat Hari Raya Haji from my crew and I to everyone who is Muslim! So how is your day? We have Ketupat! So are you guys having any Hari Raya food today and wearing Hari Raya clothing? If you are, send us a pic of your food in the comments! So till next time, bye!
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Selamat Hari Raya Haji From My Crew And I (You Can Make This As Your Desktop Background.) |
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Ben 23
Hello everyone! As I promised you guys from our previous post we are gonna show you Ben 23 and his aliens! So lets have a look. Ben 23 is a Dimension 23 counterpart of Ben Tennyson. Ben 23 first appeared in Store 23. He and Ben first met when Ben 23 (As Freezelizard) was battling Tetrax Shard (Dimension 23) both of them were getting along. Ben showed Ben 23 some of his aliens. Later Azmuth, Tetrax and Seven Seven (All Dimension 23) was going to get Ben 23's Omnitrix. Ben 23 as Eletric-Yeti (Dimension 23) and Ben (as Heatblast) defeated all of them. Ben 23 was about to kill Azmuth till Ben teaches him that not all aliens are bad. Currently, he is being tutored by Azmuth (Dimension 23), Seven Seven (Dimension 23) and Tetrax Shard (Dimension 23). Ben 23, at first, hated smoothies, much like when Ben 10 was 10-11. According to Derrick J. Whatt, Ben 23 will return again and Ben 23 does not have Molestache or Jet Ray.
Ben 23 is shorter than Ben Tennyson. He wears dark blue jeans, a blue ring and hand band, blue ear rings, a blue tie and different shoes. He also wears a suit and a golden necklace with an Omnitrix symbol part only blue and golden. Ben 23 also has blue eyes, a different hair style and wears the Omnitrix 23 on his left wrist.Saturday, 12 October 2013
Ben 23 Official Art
Hello guys! Today we have, one of my favorite characters in Omniverse, Ben 23! Ben 23 first appeared in Store 23 for those of you who did not know. Derrick recently posted his official art and where there is official art, there is a post about them so stay tuned for that. Also, Food Around The Corner has aired in the US! But beware cause, THE ULTIMATE HEIST IS COMING! So when it comes out send me some screenshots and maybe a video. So without keeping you waiting here he is.
So stay tuned for his page! Till next time, bye!
So stay tuned for his page! Till next time, bye!
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Food Around The Corner Images
Hello people we are back with some news! The first one is that Food Around the Corner is going to air on October. 12. 2013 in the USA and we also have new screenshots from it. These high quality HD images are from the USA Cartoonnetwork website. So credits to them for the images. The first image I am going to show you is Gravattack, Vexx, (new Applexion villain) Malice, (also an Applexion villain) and two Lewodens. It seems like Gravattack is trying to settle peace between the two species. The summary of the episode Ben as Gravattack attempts to moderate a fragile peace treaty, but must
endure the attacks of tiny alien fleas, which have inhabited his body. The Alien Fleas look like Cockroaches I will show you the image of them in awhile. Now lets see that first image!
It seems like they are in the Plumber Headquarters or maybe a ship. There are many questions about this picture, where's Rook? Why is Ben Gravattack? Where the Applexions came from? We have to just wait and see the episode. At least the Hiatus is over. Now time for the next image, in this image it shows The Alien Fleas. They have the appearance of cockroaches and have tubes in their cheeks
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Calm down guys! |
Saturday, 5 October 2013
Alien News
As all of you know we have been having a lot of new poses lately, CLICK HERE IF YOU DO NOT and now we have Alien X! One of the few aliens that hardly gets a pose. Unfortunately, his hands and legs are cut to fit. I think he is going to reappear in Universe VS Tennyson because the Celesapians are going to reappear in that new episode. So without wasting your time, look at the picture.
In other news, T.G.I.S has been aired yesterday in the U.S.A! Now let us just hope that we can see Food Around The Corner and the other episodes soon. Derrick also confirmed that Blitzwolfer is going to reappear in Moonlighting, a new episode in Omniverse, he described it as an American wolf in London. I think that
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ALIEN X!!! |
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