
Wednesday 27 March 2013


 Hello everyone, today we are going to look at Heatblast. He is the first alien Ben ever transformed into. Heatblast had also appeared in the first ever episode of Ben 10 OS.
Heatblast is a pironite from the planet Pyros and is also the first alien to have a predator. He first appeared in And Then There Where Ten and he set a forest on fire. He reappeared in Ultimate Alien in Victor The Spoils to fight King Victor. He then reappeared in Omniverse in A Jolt From The Past to chase after Crovo.


Heatblast is rocks and lava combined. He has a fire head and has a head in it. In Ultimate Alien he looks the same only his rocks are darker and lesser, his voice sounds like Jetray only deeper and his eyes are not connected to his head. 10 year old Heatblast looks the same as the original series only his eyes are not connected to his head and his Omnitrix is green. In Omniverse, he has his Ultimate Alien appearance only his eyes are once again connected to his head and his shoulders is slightly pointing upward. 16 year old Heatblast looks the same as 11 year old only more muscular. Ben 1000 as Heatblast looks like the original series only more muscular and has mini volcanoes on his shoulders. When he is sick his fire is blue and has freezing powers.

Powers and Abilities

Heatblast can shoot and control fire. He can fly using fire too and have the ability to make ground like a surf board. He can breathe out fire from his mouth. He can makehis fire explode. He can make things melt including the ground as shown in Victor The Spoils he did to King Victor. In Omniverse, it is revealed Heatblast can use his fire under water but with low quality. As shown in And Then There Were Ten, when he set the forest on fire, he put all the fire back into his hands.

Heatblast Shooting Fire


Heatblast can be put out with fire and if its too much can die. His predator Crabdozer can put him out in his mouth.

That is it! Hope you enjoyed it! If you did, don't forget ot comment! Don't forget to rate and share. Till the next post, stay awesome!

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