Two new Ben 10 reboot season 2 episode names and summaries has surfaced on zap2it. The episodes are called Creature Feature and High Stress Express, featuring some villains we're familiar with. Both episodes will air on February 4, 2018. Check out the summaries below.
Creature Feature
Ben and Gwen must save the drive-in when the evil magician Hex brings a movie monster to life.
High Stress Express
During a live feed of a transcontinental bullet train, La Grange enters the picture to outrace the train, but Ben joins in on the fun and will stop at nothing to come out on top.
Creature Feature
Ben and Gwen must save the drive-in when the evil magician Hex brings a movie monster to life.
High Stress Express
During a live feed of a transcontinental bullet train, La Grange enters the picture to outrace the train, but Ben joins in on the fun and will stop at nothing to come out on top.