
Sunday 23 September 2018


The season 2 finale; Innervasion, has finally aired in Asia. We have plot information from parts one to five so stick around!

Vilgax explains that every time Ben uses Shock Rock it sends a signal to the Fulmini where Earth is, and the machine that Ben built acts as a transporter in between the two worlds. It is shown that Ben is able to transform into his alien forms by walking pass Alien Pods inside the Omnitrix, which results in the alien form minus the Omnitrix symbol, but these pods were only available in one room, which Vilgax and Ben had to leave to trap the Fulmini. When the security system activated, which takes the form of green acid that will dissolve the species in its way, Ben and Vilgax escaped through a trap door opened by a Galvanic Mechamorph/human hybrid, Glitch.

Glitch Explaining the Omni-Enhanced Aliens
Glitch explains that when Ben used Upgrade to enhance the Omnitrix back in Omni-Tricked: Part 4 it rebooted and destroyed Upgrade's DNA, with a part of him fusing with the Ben's DNA to survive. Glitch then had to replace the missing alien pod with another alien, being Shock Rock. However Shock Rock's energy is so powerful that it messed up with the other aliens' DNA randomly, resulting in the upgrades.

Diamond X4
At one point Gwen and Max was able to enter the Omnitrix, after they had to deal with an escaped Shock Rock. In the final battle, Ben runs through multiple alien pods at once that results into a fusion between Diamondhead, XLR8, Four Arms and Heatblast, which Ben had a hard time naming. The credits refer to the fusion as Diamondhead X4 as it has Diamondhead's voice. Gwen and Grandpa Max are able to transform into Stinkfly and Cannonbolt by walking through pods as well. The two was quickly defeated by the High Override, but Ben was able to push him back into the portal, with Glitch sealing him off.

Glitch as a Car

Hundreds of Alien Pods for Future Aliens
The Omnitrix then beginins to reboot itself starting from the core, Gltitch warns that it will obliterate everything in its path like it did with Upgrade, he then fuses with the go-cart that Ben and the gang used to distract the Fulmini and Ben, Gwen and Max travel out of the Omnitrix as fast as possible. They also passed by a room filled with a ton of Alien Pods, teasing new aliens to come.

The Newly Rebooted Omnitrix
When they exit the Omnitrix now has a new look, with a new resolve Ben puts it back on. Glitch is also now out of the Omnitrix, fused with the go-cart, though its currently unknown if he can turn back to his humanoid form. Ben and the gang ride off, with Max in the Rustbucket and Ben and Gwen on the Glitch car.
Ben and Gwen Riding Glitch
Season 3 is definitely going to have a vehicile motif with Glitch around. It is also worth noting that this episode confirms the Omnitrix can only have ten aliens unlocked at once, and it is currently unknown where did Max get his weapon. Look forward to the full episodes to come online soon!

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