
Wednesday 30 August 2017

Ben 10 Alien Worlds: Stinkfly, Lepidopterrans and Lepidopterra!

The final Alien Worlds short is online. It features Stinkfly's home planet, Lepidopterra and its native species, the Lepidopterrans. The planet's surface glows different colors. It is said that Lepidopterra is the smelliest planet in the Milky Way Galaxy.

The planet's surface comprises of purple ground and rock formations. There are multiple caves that act as hives for the Lepidopterras. The caves has multiple holes that holds younglings as well as a giant glowing core. There's a lot of plant life on the planet, some of the plants are carnivorous similar to fly traps. Lepidopterras has developed large insect-like vehicles with cannons that shoot slime. They use it to defend the wildlife from the carnivorous plants. Lepidopterras are born from glowing yellow eggs which appears to grow from plants.

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