
Thursday 24 August 2017

Ben 10 Alien World: Cannonbolt, Arburia and Arburian Pelarotas!

Today's show is about Cannonbolt and his sunny tropical planet, Arburia.

Arburia is a large, mostly yellow planet that has a wide ocean and is pretty sunny. The planet is well developed, having a large city, schools and spherical cars. Arburian Pelarotas are peaceful aliens who get educated in schools. Some has stripes that can form beards, and others have different shell markings. They can even wear clothes to show their occupations.

Arburia is very peaceful and is considered a vacation spot for aliens. Arburian Pelarotas enjoy spending their time space diving and playing in the water. They even developed large boats to allow them to travel on the water with ease. They are really good at balancing and doing advanced water skying tricks.

Not much to say on this one, but it was pretty cool. Onward!

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