
Saturday 19 August 2017

Ben 10 Alien Worlds: Wildvine, Flors Verdance and Florauna!

Cartoon Network France has released a new Alien Worlds short that features WIldvine's home planet Flors Verdance as well as its native species, the Floraunas; which comes from the words Flora and Fauna.

Flors Verdance is a planet covered by trees and plants that even its native species are part of the environment. There are green pods that grows on enormous trees that houses giant bug-like aliens that chases the Florauna when provoked.

The planet is pretty primitive, with no artificial buildings to be seen. The entire planet is just a forest with large trees that has branches and tunnels. The only piece of technology that was shown was the Florauna hover bikes that they use for travel. They are able to swing from branch to branch while riding it to cross gaps.

There doesn't seem much variety between the species compared to the Petrosapiens or the Tetramands, with the Floraunas looking exactly the same as Wildvine besides the headbands and some sprouts on the sides.

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