
Sunday 15 September 2013

Professor Parodox

Professor Parodox OV Drawn By Me
Hey guys! Sup! Today we have a cool guy called Professor Parodox. Professor Parodox is a time traveling human who gained his powers from a science experiment that went wrong. He was stuck in a different reality for centuries insanely, but according to himself, got bored of being insane and learn. Professor Parodox's arch enemy is Eon, an alternate version of Ben that can also travel through time and space. Professor Parodox forgot his name after centuries of learning so he goes with "Professor Parodox" after liking being referred as such name. Professor Parodox is atleast 100, 000 years old but seems younger than Max Tennyson. He will appear again in And Then There Was Ben.


In Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, Professor Parodox has smooth black
hair, a brown shirt, a black neck tie and a white lab coat. He wears green goggles on his neck. He wears black pants. In Omniverse, Parodox has a future and a past appearance. His face is slightly altered, has grey hair on the side, a different lab coat. His goggles has change shape,  has gold shoulder pads and brown shoes. He has brown knee pads and has a gold cane with an eye-like top.


 Professor Parodox has the ability to travel through time and space, bringing anything or anyone along with him. He can predict when things are going to happen and travel to alternate realities. Professor Parodox can fly as shown in Ben Again. He has a Chrono-Navigator which, in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, is a pocket watch but in Omniverse, is disguised as a gauntlet. It allows the user to travel through time and space even alternate realities without getting lost. Due to Professor Parodox has the complete understanding of time and space, it allows him to teleport to any location at any time.


According to Eon and confirmed by himself, Professor Parodox never lies. It is also shown that Eon's double edge sword is sharp enough to cut the Chrono-Navigator of his right arm.

That is it guys! I hope you enjoyed this review, if you did, comment! Till next time, bye!

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