
Friday 27 September 2013


Hello people and we got new spoilers from the one, the only, Derrick J. Whatt's Formspring! He has shown us more spoiler photos continuously. Now I am not gonna list down every one  that Derrick posted you just read this and learn. So here are all the spoilers shown so far!

The first one we have is m favourite alien, Buzzshock! He seems to be flying with his electric green trail. It is not Ben's usual green though and now we have proof that Buzzshock wears the Omnitrix on his head yay!

The next one we have is Ben 23's return. This picture shows Ben 23 as Bloxx's dimensional counterpart, Build-A-Guy. Kind of a weird name name. He is in a night time scene. He is the same as Bloxx only has blue eyes, the colours of his blocks are blue, grey and white. His Omnitrix is blue with a gold outer part. Here is the image of Build-A-Guy.

 The next image we have is a return of Pesky Dust and Khyber in the background. It seems like Ben hates becoming Pesky Dust again. This image is from  A Few Brains More. In this image it's confirms that Pesky Dust can fly leaving a green trail behind him. Here is the image.

Pesky Dust and Khyber
 Here is another picture of Inspector 13 OV. His appearance haven't change much. He appears in The Ultimate Heist. He seems to be talking to Albedo or maybe Khyber.  Here is the image. Who knew that Derrick will show so many photos.

Inspector 13 OV Talking
 That is it people! Hope you enjoyed this post! If you have any questions leave a comment or two. Do not forget to rate and share this post. Till the next post, bye!

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