
Sunday 12 May 2013


 Hey again and now we bring you guys Ripjaws one of my least favourite aliens. He first appeared in The Krakken Ripjaws defeated Jonah Meville. He reappeared in Ultimate Alien once in The Perhexahadron Ripjaws help Kevin and himself to escape from a water room he didn't talk in that episode. He reappeared in Omniverse in Gone Fishin Ripjaws tries to catch some alien fish but gets seaweed and again to try to fish again he sounds like Magistesr Patelliday who is underwater. Ripjaws is a Pisccis Volann from the water planet Piscciss so lets review him.


Ripjaws can change between a fish tail or legs at will, and has a phosphorescent light on his head. His feet look a bit like Four arm's feet from ultimate alien. He is able to breathe underwater, as well as
swim at high speeds with amazing agility and can also withstand very strong water pressure. His angler allows him to see in dark areas. His body was mostly grey. He wore the prototype Omnitrix symbol on his left torso. In Ultimate Alien, Ripjaws has a catfish like face also he now has chest-plates. His tail has triangular lines and is grey as seen in the The Perhexahadron, his lips are green, but in the Ultimate Alien Intro, his tail is black and he has black lips. he wears the Ultimatrix symbol on his chest. In Omniverse, Ripjaws looks like the original but his eyes are green, he now has arm and neck braces, his antenna light is green, and he has a big fin on his back and his tail is now bigger. 16 year old Ripjaws now has a green and white belt which where the Omnitrix symbol is located. 11 year old Ripjaws as seen in the first and second Omniverse intro, has a green strap on his waist his prototype Omnitrix symbol is still located at his upper left torso.

Powers and Abilities

Ripjaws is strong able to lift more than his own weight, and underwater, he can swim at high speeds. Ripjaws's large jaws and sharp teeth have proven to be his most deadly weapon, being able to shred even metal from submarines. Ripjaws has great endurance and can withstand strong water pressure, meaning he possesses the nature of abyssal aquatic life, hence his blank eyes and the angelfish light in his forehead, which can serve as a light in dark areas. Ripjaws displays the distinctive feature of turning his legs into a fish's tail and vice-verse, giving him a merman-like appearance, while outside the water environment, he displays a loincloth with a similar pattern to his tail (implying the loincloth wraps around his legs, fusing with it and becoming the tail).


Ripjaws cannot stay out of water for long as he cannot breathe without water and suffers dreadfully until he dues or goes into water. In Omniverse, Ripjaws needs water less as Piscciss Volanns needs water less when they grow older.

That is it. Hope you guys enjoy this my birthday is at 21 May so comment and till next time, bye!

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