
Monday 8 April 2013


Hey guys and today we are going to review a good and the first cute alien which is Ditto. He first appeared in "Dived We Stand" three times. First time is accidental and is used to fight a mutant seagull, played basket ball one got caught by Dr. Animo to have his DNA copied and later defeated Dr. Animo's Mutant Lepidopterrans. He reappeared in Omniverse in "Ben Again" by 16 year old Ben (in 11 year old Ben's body) to defeat Eon. He is a Splixon from the planet Hathor so let's get to know him.


Ditto height is the same as an average human child. He has three fin-like things on his head. He has black and white skin. Ditto’s hands are large with 4 digits and his feet are merely stubs. Ditto also has gem-like orbs on his arms and 3 button-like gems on his waist. He wore the Om snitrix symbol on his forehead. In Ultimate Alien, Ditto's outline became blue and the Ultimatrix symbol on his chest. In Omniverse, 11 year old Ditto looks the same as the originaleries only grows whiskers, put on some extra weight, has three-toed feet, his gems on his shoulders are gone and are replaced with two bolts. He is shorter. His heck is completely black. 16 year old Ditto looks similar to his 11 year old self, except he has green fins rather than white, and his jumpsuit is now green with black patches under his arms, green sleeves, and black ankles. This jumpsuit also seems to have a design based on the Omnitrix symbol with black triangles on the shoulders and green in the center. The three gems on his waist are now on a black belt.

Powers and Abilities

Ditto can split himself without limit. His clones are linked and share each others thoughts. He can jump quite high form his size since he can slam dunk easily. Ditto can breathe under water. Ditto is more flexible than a normal human. Every Ditto is regardless of each others wants and quarrels a lot.  The raised green bumps on Ditto's body are sensor nodes, which help create a sensory web around the Ditto clones. This sensory web allows the clones to share in senses and physical sensations.


Ditto's clones are linked together. When one clone gets hurt the rest feels the pain too. If one Ditto dies the rest automatically dies too. Which will not help about making an army of Dittos. But in Omniverse, this weakness is remove as shown in O Mother, Where Art Thou? When the Dittos are fighting Dony Vreedle when he was full grown and took many punches but not all the Dittos are hurt.

Ditto Clones By Me

 That is it! Hope you enjoyed this post. If you do comment! Don't forget to rate and share. Till the next post, stay awesome!

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