
Thursday 11 April 2013

Benvictor And Benwolf In Omniverse Revealed

So yeah I was watching Evils Encore online and I saw the Omniverse theme song changed and I saw Benwolf and Benvictor OV! Here are the pics from Ben 10 Wikia,

Benvictor OV
Benwolf OV
So yeah I say that Benwolf is epic and Benvictor really looks like a frankenstein monster now he has scares so he is pretty ugly now but Benwolf looks like a cunning hunting wolf and that is awesome. So yeah and I been searching through formspring and Derrick confirm their new names. Benwolf is Blitzwolfer (a nod on an American journalist Wolf Blitzer) and Benvictor's new name is Frankenstrike (a play on Frankenstein and lighting strike) so yeah hope to see them soon.

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